We are now able to offer the AstraZeneca Vaccine for people aged 60 years and above as per the revised ATAGI recommendation.
It appears confusing with the ongoing changes in advice from ATAGI and hence we are happy to discuss the updated evidence regarding vaccines available – so that you can make an informed choice…. please speak to one of our doctors.
[We are waiting for the Pfizer Vaccine[Comirnaty] supplies to be allocated to our practice by the government.] Please check the current guidelines by ATAGI below. https://www.health.gov.au/news/atagi-statement-on-revised-recommendations-on-the-use-of-covid-19-vaccine-astrazeneca-17-june-2021
To make an appointment for the AstraZeneca Vaccine, check the link below or call us at 333 888 23.
AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine Now Available for 60 and Above